Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Cookies and other pictures...

I found these great cookies at Safeway the other day. They are pre-frosted cookies with a design on it. And then they give you 9 different color food coloring pens to color the pictures. It was lots of fun!

She wanted to eat it so bad, but I made her pose for a picture with them first.
Here's the finished product.

Her mouth got stained green from the cookies

I was decorating the house yesterday and Natalie was playing in her room. I almost died laughing when she came out to show me what she had done. She put Mr. Potato head's glasses and hat on and even put his ear in her ear. Such a goofball! I love this kid!

I always knew Natalie was going to be a fort kid. You who always make forts out of any place they can find? I used to do that all the time when I was little. Natalie always flips boxes over and hid under them and she has this shoe shelf in her room and she can contort her way into the shelf and has us put a blanket over it. Well, today, she discovered under the table is a pretty cool place to hang out. She convinced Dan to go under there with her too. Here is a picture of them hanging out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky, Dan and Natalie,
Hello from Michigan. Thanks so much for sharing your blog and pictures with us. I so look forward to your updates. She is such a precious, little ham. Love you all and miss you.
A. Linny