Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cookie/Candy Turkeys

So, I found these turkeys to make and decided to make our own. We made them last night. I got regular sized Reese's, and didn't realize I needed the small ones, but they still looked OK with the big Reese's. I thought I had lots of candy corn, but only had enough for 3, once I get more candy corn, we will make some more. Natalie had fun eating the candy and sticking her finger in the frosting. We had fun!

Pumpkin Carving

Here are pictures of us making pumpkins. Natalie had fun just hitting everything with the wooden mallet. We had lots of fun and the pumpkins turned out great! (And yes, I know my dinning room is a mess. I just dragged out a ton of boxes of clothes from storage to re-organize and put more clothes away)

Random Pictures

Here is Natalie helping me put up Halloween decorations.
Last weekend, Dan was sitting at the table on the computer and Natalie kept saying "Dad, what are you doing?" He kept saying "I am on the computer", but she just kept asking him what he was doing, so he knew something was up and got up to see what she was doing and this is what he found in the hall. She even took it in her room and I went in there to put clothes away and she was sitting in there with her lamb and juice.
Eating lunch in the car. This is her "cheese" face.

What Kid Doesn't Like Oreos??

Last night, after dinner, I gave Natalie an oreo cookie for eating so good. She pushed it to the middle of the table and said "No thanks". Surely she can't be Dan's kid! Here is the lonely cookie, still sitting in the middle of our table.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Family Night!

Last night we all got together for my niece Makaela's 12th bday. I can't believe she's 12. Since the other 4 teenagers' in our family have their birthday's during the summer, we celebrated their birthday yesterday too. We are always a big crowd but always have a great time. I am so blessed to have such a big, wonderful, close family! I have 3 sisters, 3 brother in laws, 8 neices and nephews, my parents, Grandma and Grandpa and my aunt, uncle and cousin all close by. Anyway....we had a fun night and Natalie had a ton of fun playing with their box of cool toys and her cousins.

My niece Abby. She will be 2 in Jan and is the same size as Natalie and 2 shoe sizes bigger than Natalie! She got her Daddy's height
Here's Abby's Daddy, Jay, my brother in law and Natalie
Dan and the Birthday Girl! My niece Makaela aka "My Baby Girl!"
Here is my Dad and his girlfriend Linda. Aren't they cute together? So happy for him.
Here is my Mom helping my Grandma sign the birthday cards...and my Uncle Jeff.
Singing Happy Birthday and when it came time to blow the candles.......
Brice said "OK, on 3. 1....2..." and he blew them out! I LOVE this picture! I caught it and the right time. It was right after Brice blew them out and he was going "YES!" and Jena and Mak were hitting him.
Just a little frosting on the cheek....

And a little more.....
Yeah, Lynne had to take the cake away. See the frosting on Amanda's ear? That was done by me :) I had to get in on the action too. I felt bad though because it went in her ear and she was trying like heck to get it out. I didn't mean to do that. Somehow....Jena managed to get away unscathed with no frosting and yet, I think she got the most on everyone! Now thats skills!
Here is...my Uncle Jeff and Aunt Peggy on his lap. My sister Barb, My Grandma Vi, nephew Aidan and Niece Shayna
And here is....Dan in the corner, My sister Lynne closest to Dan, Nieces Mak and Jena, Lynne's sister in law Michelle in blue on the couch (Shoot, Kendall, I meant to get a picture of Michelle boys'. They were there and they are HUGE! Alex is almost 17 and Colton is 18 and going to pre med at UW!) and then my cousin Amanda on the ottoman.
Awww......My nephew Brice and Natalie. I looked over and saw him throwing her in the air and playing with her and had to take a pic. Brice is so so good with kids.

A Day at the Park

Today we went to Kelsey Creek park for their October Fest thingy. It was fun! They had a ton of fun things for the kids to do! There were hayrides, little trackers the kids could ride, a pumpkim patch where kids can pick a pumpkin and then decorate it, and many other things to do. Dan, Natalie and I went with Bram, Ericka and Jayda and Ericka's Grandma too. It started at 11, which is when we went and that is naptime for the girls so we couldn't stay long because they started melting down....fast. We had a good time though!

Looking at the "lambies"!
Ericka's Grandma, Ericka and Jayda, Bram, Dan and Natalie
Aren't they cute?! Natalie was so excited to see her buddy Jayda
They loved this pump.

Sharing a tractor. They couldn't reach the pedals and Jayda would only go backwards, with her feet.
Finally each got one but neither could reach the pedals
Picking out a pumpkin with Daddy

Everyone we showed her she didn't like because it was "too heavy". Even the littlest one was "too heavy".

Finally found one.
Decorating her pumpkin.
She did it all, except I wrote her name and glittered it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun Summer Beach Pics

Oh how I miss the summer......even though we had, what? 10 hot days. Don't get me wrong, I love the winter. More than summer. Well, I love snow, I should say. So I love winter because of the thrill and hope of snow. I think it comes from back in the school days where they would predict snow that night and the next morning waking up really early to run to the window and look outside to see if it snowed and then listen to the news to see if school was out or have my mom wake me up to tell me no school and then go to Ben Rush (school of all places, when school is out) to sled on the hill on the soccer field. Silly, I know, but I think that is why I LOVE snow days and winter! Anyway.......off track, I know.......I found some pictures that I took this summer, back in July. I took Natalie to the beach one nice day to swim and play and we had a blast. We went to Idlewood on Lake Sammamish. If you haven't been there, you have to go. Anyway, I suprisingly remembered my camera, but didn't realize my memory card wasn't in it, so it was saving the pics to my camera and only allowed me to save like 10 or 15 and the sun was blaring so much that I couldn't really see the pics I was deleting from the beach to make room for more and hope I didn't delete any awesome pics. Well, Dan showed me how to upload the pics from the camera, not the card the other day so I thought I would share. The end of this day was a rough day. My friend's husband died this day and it was a pretty rough, tramatic, scary, etc etc night for me, so at least I have a great memory from the beginning of the day. We went swimming too, but obviously couldn't take pictures of that because I wasn't about to take the carmera in the water. It is soooo my luck for it to get dropped, splashed, ruined..etc....me and electronics....well, you read the post below about the laptop, right?

How cute is this bathing suit!? It is my favorite! I hope it fits her next year. It is hard to see in this pic and the others, but you'll get the idea. It is a 2 piece and the top has a duck head, the bottoms have a duck body with feet and the top and bottom is connected with a duck neck. It even has a duck butt with a ruffle. SOOOOO cute! Gotta love Ebay!

Wasn't too sure of the sand at first, as always, but then she gets right into it and she loves to bury my foot.
Getting water from the lake

Is that not the CUTEST swimsuit?! Check the ruffle butt! The model is pretty damn cute too, if you ask me.
Isn't she beautiful?
See my foot?
This is the face she makes when she says "Cheese!"

And this is her fake, mom told me to smile, face. :)