Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day

What a fun Christmas! I was sick too and not feeling hot at all, but I still had the best day with my family. We woke up Christmas morning, at 6, thanks to Natalie. I went in her room while Dan went in the family room to turn on the lights. All of a sudden we hear Dan go "Oh my gosh! Ah! Looks like Santa came!" You should have seen Natalie's face light up. I thought she was going to pee her pants. She went racing out to see. She was so excited about what Santa brought her (a new Disney Princess travel cot, because she has TOTALLY outgrown her porta crib, an infant carseat and new baby) that is was hard to get her to open presents. After each present she opened, she wanted to take it to the toy room (that's what she calls her bedroom) to play with it. After we forced the poor child to open all her presents ;) she took her toys into her room and we put on her new Curious George movie. Dan and I got to open all of our presents and when I went to peek on her I found her sitting on her bed, with good ol stinky duck in her mouth, watching her movie, with all of her new toys just sitting on the floor. After that we went to my moms to exchange presents and then we "tried" to go to Dan's mom's house. She lives in Gold Bar. It was snowing at our house in Bellevue, but not much at all and was way too wet to stick.....well the further we drove the worse the snow got. By Kirkland we saw snow plows, by Woodinville the 6 lane highway was down to 1 lane each way because it was so covered in snow and by Monroe, well, it was bad. We stopped at a gas station to take Natalie to the bathroom and made the decision to go home since it was only going to keep getting worse. After Natalie took her nap, off to my sister's we went for a big family Christmas. We had a big dinner, then had all of the kids open their gift exchange presents and then had our annual White Elephant gift exchange. We have so much fun with the white elephant and find some of the funniest gifts. My mom got a red and orange stained glass rooster lamp. Can you imagine the commetns Dan was making?! "Gail, what a nice cock you have!" "Gail has a multicolored cock!" "Should I steal your mom's cock?" It was hilarious! I got 4 boxes of spice cake mix, which happens to be my favorite cupcakes....SCORE! and Dan got....a white elephant. No really, a white elephant. My brother in law got the elephant in a white elephant gift exchange the night before and painted it white and regifted it. We didn't get home until 9:30 and Natalie crashed before we even left my sister's driveway. But what a great day filled with traditions, joy, love and family. I was just talking to my sister today about how fortunate we are that our family lives so close together. We really are the luckiest people.

I accidentally deleted this one from below and don't know how to put it back in the right place, that is why it is out of order. Here is a picture of everyone busting a gut at my mom's cock.

Isn't that cot cool? It hasa built in sleeping bag

Her new Polly Pockets

Carrying around her new baby and Captain Feathersword from the Wiggles

Her new Sponge Bob guitar

These bring back memories. I used to play with my "heel highs" as I used to call them, all the time

Can you guess who got her her very first fishing pole? Her Daddy!

Here is what I was talking about.....all her new toys just sitting on the floor and she is on her bed chewing on her duck

On our way to Grandma's. See the red and green ribbon I put in her hair?

Dan wrapped her like a burrito in Dan's new blanket

My mom was pushing Natalie around in my Grandpa's walker

One of my best buddies.

Riding the horsey

The cousins...well a fraction of them. Me, Amanda, Brice and Mak

My mom and Natalie playing

I love this guy so much

Aidan wanted to give Natalie a ride on his bike. Isn't that cute?

Isn't that a handsome guy?! I can't believe that's my little nephew Brice! He was pushing Natalie around in the walker.

Natalie with her cousins Jena, Mak and Amanda

Here's another one that I can't believe how big she is! My neice Jena. So beautiful!

Mak (my baby girl) playing with Natalie. Mak loves that little girl so much and Natalie idolizes Mak!

Jena, Aidan, Cam and Brice in the war zone.

Mak helping Natalie open presents. Natalie didn't want to sit with me.

Wearing Aidan's camo hat.

Brian got this Manure Movers t shirt in the white elephant exchange

Mak and I tickle tortured Brice

Since we had a white Christmas, Barb suggested the kids sled down their hill. Natalie didn't go because we didn't bring snow clothes. Here are the kids playing outside. Abby, Brice, Jena, Mak, Amanda, and Aidan
I LOVE this picture! It's my baby and my Grandma Violet "Vi"

1 comment:

Eastside Business said...

Thanks for sharing Becky. I'm glad that it was such a great day for you and your family.