Dan and I both had to work on Christmas Eve. Fun huh?....NOT. It has always been a very slow, unnessasary work day but this year, because of the rate drop, it was pretty busy! After the work day we went to Dan's Dad's house. We had a good time. Made a roast and opened presents. Dan's Dad made Natalie a rocking horse. It is the COOLEST thing. He made it all 100% by hand. It is very tall too which is nice so she won't outgrow it anytime soon. Her foot don't even touch the ground when she is on it. He spent 40 hours making it and we had him write his name and date on it. It is so awesome because it is handmade and it will last forever. She can pass it down to her kids, her kids' kids, etc....I forgot to bring my camera there and we left it there because we didn't want to put it in the bed of the truck when it was raining so when we get it I will post pics.
On our way home that night Dan told Natalie since she was such a good girl, she could open 2 presents. I never opened presents on Christmas Eve, we always opened them all on Christmas day. When Dan and I first got together he would give me my presents early and then I would have to give him his early because he needed something to open and then by the time Christmas came, we had nothing left to open. He said he always got to open his presents on Christmas Eve. I thought he was just saying that so he could open his presents but I asked his mom if that was true, thinking of course Ha, gotcha, and she said yup, it's true. Oops. So, it is an adjustment to him to not open any early. I guess I can live if everyone gets a few presents early, right? Well, we each opened 2 presents on Christmas Eve.

The pics are out of order. This one and the one below it should be at the bottom. Oh well. Her is Natalie playing with the coffee maker she got.

Dan makes coffee every morning and always talks about "Daddy's coffee" she even know where the coffee is at the grocery store. We thought it would be perfect to get a little coffee maker. She loves it. It makes a sound like coffee brewing and has the pot with the lid that opens and even the back compartment for the water. She likes to make us coffee.

Opening presents. She figured out how to do that really well!

Here is the new vest I got. I LOVE it!

I don't know why I am making that face, but isn't that a cute vest?!

Dan's new blanket which I hog. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO soft and big.
And last but not least.....here is Natalie when she opened her coffee maker.