Friday, July 3, 2009

Fun at the Beach!

Today we went to Newcastle Beach! What a great beach! Shaya and the kids came shortly after we got there. Natalie, my little fearless child, would walk to the water edge to get some water, which is fine...but I blink and she's walking out to the rope. No fear. Once Shaya got there she got to use the doughnut and she loves that thing. She kicks around all over the place. We had a great time but she was tired. She could barely stay awake to eat and didn't even want to watch the rest of her show. After she was done eating I asked her if she wanted to watch the rest of Einsteins or go to sleep. "Go to sleep" as she's walking to her room was her answer, to which I replied "You are SO your father's child". Dan is napping right now too at this moment. Those Gallegos' sure love to sleep. ;) I can't pick out my favorites. I love them all, so....there's lots of pics.

I taught her how to fill the bucket with wet sand to make a castle so if you notice at her feet...she did that all by herself!

Here's my fearless wonder going out there by herself

Shivering and freezing but having the time of her life!

Kiki and Sydney making castles too!

She had to come show me she got splashed

Little Miss Sydney

I love those buns!

Look at all those toys! Natalie and Noah having fun in the sand.

She loves this doughnut! She can kick around forever!

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