Saturday, October 11, 2008

Old McDonald Had a Farm....E-I E-I O

Last Thursday My sister Beth, Neice Shayna, Nephew Barak, Natalie and I got to go on a field trip to a farm in Enumclaw. It was a lot of fun! We got to take a tour of the farm, then go to see and pet a donkey and horse. There were two goats that ran around with us and a dog named Shotgun. The goats were the same size as the dog (a lab) and acted just like the dog. It was pretty cute! Then we got to go in the chicken coop and caught chickens. We didn't catch any, even though the kids tried like hell. Some other kids did catch some and let the kids pet them. We went inside the barn where they had big boards with pictures on it and a hole where the face is (you know what I am talking about)....So the kids, Beth and I all took a stab at it. After that, the kids played in the hay maze and then we got to go on a hayride! What a fun day! We all had a blast!

Like 2 seconds after this pic was taken the horse either nudged or licked Natalie's back and she squeeled and gave the biggest belly laugh straight from the gut. The look on her face was priceless. Everyone was laughing. I wish the pic was taken a few seconds later to catch that. oh well.
That's the donkey Jasmine Here one of the two goats getting into a box of peas
Trying to catch a chicken
And Barak too
And Shayna too!
Finally getting to pet one
3 Little Indians

Check out the rack on Beth!

I love Barak's face in this one. He was trying to play out the character and I think nailed it!

Here is everyone on the hayride. I stayed off for a sec to take a pic and then jumped on and sat right next to Beth holding Natalie and Natalie never saw me get on so when the ride left she started waving going "Bye mommy!" hee hee, she was suprised to see me right there next to her

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