Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Dying

Dan wen to a bachelor party tonight so it was just Natalie and I. My cousin Amanda and niece Makaela came over to die Easter eggs with us! My mom even stopped by too for a little while. We had a blast and made some really cool looking eggs! I haven't died eggs in forever. I forgot how fun it was and turns out Natalie is quite the little artist. Most kids with paint just a smiddgen and get bored and stop or want another egg but she spent a long time on one egg and all different colors. She did great. Actually one of her eggs that she did 100% on her own is my favorite.

Such a happy little girl. Mak was tickling her toes

Like the forced smile?

So intent

They were so nice to help Natalie out

My 2 favorite DORKS!

I just noticed Natalie is picking her nose. Add her to the dork list too!

Mom stopped by to say hi

Natalie wanted to go for a walk so we walked mom home. Natalie put her coat on inside out, sandals on, on the wrong feet and 2 sized too big with socks and her nightgown on.

Natalie loves this kid SOOOO much!

Isn't this a cute picture?! You can see the pure look of joy in Natalie's smile. She had such a fun night!

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