Sunday, April 26, 2009

Painting Fun!

Natalie and I were bored yesterday so we went for a walk to my favorite store....TARGET! We had fun looking around and when we went to the art section I told N should could pick something out. She picked out a horse ("My Little Pony" as she referred to it) piggie bank that is white ceramic and paints to paint it. This morning, after our doughnut slurge, Dan and Natalie sat at the table and painted her horse. Dan supervised, while I took pictures, but Dan didn't do anything, she pianted this horse all by herself. My biased opinion....she did dang good!

See what I mean (I mentioned in an earlier post...she is just like my mom. The minute you go to take a picture, she looks somewhere else...GRR!) about looking at the camera. She doesn't do it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I love this family shot!

This would have been such a cute picture, if I had noticed it was on zoom and zoomed it out. Oh well. It's still cute.

Making coffee in the mixer with Daddy

Then they made chocolate mik for Natalie

My buddy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Dying

Dan wen to a bachelor party tonight so it was just Natalie and I. My cousin Amanda and niece Makaela came over to die Easter eggs with us! My mom even stopped by too for a little while. We had a blast and made some really cool looking eggs! I haven't died eggs in forever. I forgot how fun it was and turns out Natalie is quite the little artist. Most kids with paint just a smiddgen and get bored and stop or want another egg but she spent a long time on one egg and all different colors. She did great. Actually one of her eggs that she did 100% on her own is my favorite.

Such a happy little girl. Mak was tickling her toes

Like the forced smile?

So intent

They were so nice to help Natalie out

My 2 favorite DORKS!

I just noticed Natalie is picking her nose. Add her to the dork list too!

Mom stopped by to say hi

Natalie wanted to go for a walk so we walked mom home. Natalie put her coat on inside out, sandals on, on the wrong feet and 2 sized too big with socks and her nightgown on.

Natalie loves this kid SOOOO much!

Isn't this a cute picture?! You can see the pure look of joy in Natalie's smile. She had such a fun night!

Cooking with Mom

Natalie loves cooking with Mom. Here are some cute picture of her when she helped me make chocolate chip cookies and she got to lick the beaters. Fun times!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Pics

I still have older pics I need to post, but until are a few recent pics.

I just took this picture. She doesn't wake up if I scoop her out of bed to cuddle with her. I love that about her! I have always scooped her up when she's sleeping to hold her. Ever since she was born. I snuck downstairs while Dan's sleeping to watch Idol and grabbed her on my way to cuddle while I watched it. The camera was right by me and I just had to take a picture of my sleeping beauty.

Just for giggles I twisted her hair up and she lit up. She was excited to have her hair twisted up like Shaya's. She looks so old to me in this picture!

She climbed into her play food basket and was hanging out watching a movie. Out of all of her toys, her favorites, besides babies of course, are boxes or baskets. She LOVES them. She hides under them, sits in them, etc. She can entertain herself for hours with a box or basket.
She was cooking with Mom. She LOVES cooking with Mom in the kitchen. I didn't realize there was a smudge on the lense. Oh well.

HAHA! This picture kills me every time! She looks CRAZY! Like a hyped up Albert Einstein!

She loves to dress herself now. far...we haven't had any battles with what to wear yet. So far it's all for fun but she still let's me pick out her clothes. Thank god too, because I would never let her leave the house like this! She picked this out and dresses herself 100% by herself. I thought she was playing in her room, and well, I guess you could say she was playing in her room...playing dress up! Notice the ninja toes? (socks with flip flops)